We are happy to announce we were once again voted Best of West Hawaii! The results of the 2016 vote came out today in the newspaper and we were voted first in two categories. Best Attorney: Darl C. Gleed; and Best Law Office: Darl C. Gleed & Associates. Congratulations to the attorneys and entire team!
Supporting Our Big Island Keiki
We are so happy that Darl C. Gleed and Associates had the opportunity to be one of the sponsors this year for Kapa Radio (100.3fm)‘s Back To School Supply Drive. Anyone who knows Darl and Michelle Gleed, know how much they love and care for children, particularly in our Kona community, and especially those children who find themselves in difficult circumstances. The first day of school is a big deal for children and being able to help all Keiki have a positive start to their school year is such a great cause. Thank you KAPA for organizing this event and all other sponsors and community members that were involved! We would like to send out a “Special Thanks” to our own, Attorney Ivana Bodey, for taking the lead in our firm’s involvement with this drive.
Here are some pictures from Kapa’s facebook page. They had a lot of volunteers including Keiki volunteers which is wonderful! Giving and sharing aloha – that’s what it’s all about! Happy BACK TO SCHOOL time everyone!
Darl C. Gleed to present at National Business Institute Seminar
Darl C. Gleed will be speaking at a National Business Institute Seminar, “The Ultimate Guide to Probate” on Tuesday, July 19 in Honolulu at the Doubletree by Hilton Alana Hotel Waikiki. Gleed’s presentations “Maintaining the Estate and Preparing Assets for Distribution,” and “Beneficiary Distributions, Final Account and Closing for the Estate,” will cover Handling Non-Divisible/Joint Assets, Rules Regarding Probate Sales of Real Property, Partial Distributions, Disclaimers and Divestment Traps, and more. To learn more visit the NBI website (link).
Gleed practices in the areas of estate planning, trust administration, Hawaii probate, real estate, and business law. He has authored materials and presented seminars on topics such as asset protection, estate planning, and advanced probate for numerous professional and community groups, including the AARP and National Business Institute. He is a member of the Hawaii State Bar Association, Probate and Estate Planning Section, American Bar Association, Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law sections; and the Kona-Kohala Chamberof Commerce.
Happy 35th Anniversary Darl and Michelle!
June 5th marked Darl and Michelle’s 35th wedding anniversary! We had a wonderful office dinner to celebrate. Of course we couldn’t pass up the gorgeous sunset/beach photo opportunity! Thank you everyone for being good sports and smiling for the camera (cell-phone!). Here are some of our pictures, and as they say out here in the Aloha State: “Lucky we live Hawaii”.
Celebrating the Hawaii Community Foundation’s 100th Year!

HCF Centennial Gala – (Left to Right: Susan Leonard, Clayton Leonard, Ivana Bodey, Donna Payesko, and Darl Gleed)
Smiling for the camera at the wonderful Hawaii Community Foundation‘s Centennial Gala celebrating 100 years of giving. It was a fun and inspiring event. Darl Gleed has been an advisory committee member for the West Hawai’i Fund at the HFC since 1992. We are proud to support such a wonderful organization that does so many good things for our West Hawai’i community and for the Aloha State.
Law Day 2016
Congratulations to Clayton Leonard, West Hawaii Director of the Hawaii State Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division (“YLD”), and all the other volunteers – Andrew Odell, Joanna Sokolow, and Charles McCreary (not pictured) – who successfully rolled out “Law Day” on May 7th! In conjunction with the America Bar Association YLD, Clayton organized the event as part of the YLD’s “Law Week” which aims to provide free legal information to the community. A special mahalo to the management at KTA Superstore in Kailua-Kona for providing the location and for their hospitality! And thank you to West Hawaii Today and Hawaii Tribune-Herald, for advertising Law Day in their newspapers, and to the Mayor’s Office for signing an official Proclamation declaring May 7, 2016 as Law Day in Hawaii County. We had a great turnout and look forward to seeing you next year!
Upcoming Event: Estate Planning and Elder Law – Planning for the Before and After
Donna V. Payesko will be one of 5 presenters at an upcoming seminar on Oahu, Estate Planning and Elder Law – Planning for the Before and After. The event is being put on by Sterling Education Services, INC. (SES). As specified in the informational brochure those who would benefit from this seminar are “Attorneys, Certified Financial Planners, Trust and Estate Planners and Officers, Tax Planners and Accountants, Nursing Home Administrators, Case Managers and Senior Advocates, Insurance Professionals, Chartered Life Underwriters, Registered Investment Advisers, and Wealth Management.” View the entire brochure by clicking the picture below. You can also click this link to view the seminar information page on the SES website.
Donna V. Payesko Appointed by Mayor Kenoi to the Committee on Aging
We are happy to announce Donna V. Payesko has been appointed by Hawaii County Mayor Billy Kenoi as an advisory member of the Committee on Aging of the Hawaii County Office of Aging (HCOA). As stated on the HCOA website, “the HCOA was established in 1966 and serves to represent the County of Hawai’i in the planning, coordination, advocacy, and administration of programs for older persons in the county.” The Committee on Aging assists the HCOA “in carrying out its planning responsibilities.” We congratulate Donna on her commitment to serve these members of our community in this way. Donna and one other new committee member were welcomed in this month’s HCOA newsletter. See the complete newsletter here.
Playing “Where’s Darl?” in Yesterday’s Paper!
Flipping through yesterday’s paper may have felt a little like picking up a beloved “Where’s Waldo?” book for those who spotted Darl C. Gleed in this stunning ad by the Hawaii Community Foundation (HFC) West Hawaii Fund:
Darl has been an advisory committee member for the West Hawai’i Fund at the HFC since 1992. We are proud to support such a wonderful organization that does so many good things for our West Hawai’i community. See an E-copy of yesterday’s West Hawaii Today newspaper here.