Carol Kitaoka from Hawaii County Committee on the Status of Women, Margaret Masunaga from West Hawaii Bar Association, Laura Guluzzy, MA Gerontologist, Donna Payesko, Attorney. Dale Suezaki, VP Financial Planner, and Carol Kirihara from Kona Business and Professional Women celebrated Women’s Health Month with nearly 30 Hawaii County Baby Boomer women yesterday at the Boomer Women Aging Well event held at West Hawaii Civic Center. The event was co-Sponsored by the Hawaii County Committee on the Status of Women, the West Hawaii Bar Association, Hawaii County Office of Aging, with assistance from Kona Business and Professional Women. Certificates of Thanks were presented to the event sponsors. Facilitating and speaking on Aging Processes was Laura Guluzzy, an MA Gerontologist. Guluzzy also shared statistics on Boomer Women in Hawaii and offered tools for aging preparation. Attorney, Donna Payesko addressed Legal Health and gave legal tips for future planning and provided a Notary to execute Advance Directives for Health Care during the break-out sessions. VP Financial Planner, Dale Suezaki talked about Fiscal Wellness and shared a 10 Point guide for Social Security and investments. Participants had refreshments provided by HCOA, healthy drinks and programs printed courtesy of KBPW, and took home recyclable bags provided by HCCSW.
Women Aging Well Press Release
September 12, 2014 by